Coupons or Victims ?Hey Folks, as usual the end of the year is favorite time for spammers to fool people and steal their credentials, hack their devices, or…Dec 24, 2020Dec 24, 2020
كوبونات ولا ضحايا ؟وزى ما اتعودنا اخر كل سنة نلاقى الرسالة الغريبة اللى بتنتشر على جروبات الواتس وحسابات الفيسبوك وهنا وهناك بسرعة كبيرة واللى بتقول إن فيه…Dec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020
Android App Pentesting: How i gained access on the firebase databaseHey folks, today i’ll be writing about one of my business engagements with an android application.Dec 17, 2019Dec 17, 2019
The Big Journey: From a Coptic Orthodox to an Adventist“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ( John 8:32)Jul 21, 20191Jul 21, 20191
Active Medical Devices in Danger — Hackers can hack itOur team at Cyhusky has completed a significant number of researches and penetration testing in the health care domain. Findings revealed…Jun 25, 2019Jun 25, 2019